Mount Bromo from Surabaya by Train: A Convenient Route

Mount Bromo from Surabaya by Train: A Convenient Route

Bromopackagetour – Mount Bromo, located in East Java, Indonesia, is one of the most iconic and breathtaking natural attractions in the country. Its stunning landscapes, including the volcanic crater, the Sea of Sand, and the surrounding mountains, attract tourists from all over the world.

While there are several ways to reach Mount Bromo, traveling by train from Surabaya offers a convenient and scenic route. In this article, we will explore the journey from Surabaya to Mount Bromo by train, highlighting its advantages and providing useful information for travelers.

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Mount Bromo from Surabaya by Train

1. Surabaya: The Gateway to Mount Bromo

Surabaya, the capital city of East Java, serves as the main gateway to Mount Bromo. It is a bustling city with a well-connected transportation network, including the Juanda International Airport and Surabaya Gubeng train station.

Many travelers choose to start their Mount Bromo adventure from Surabaya due to its accessibility and the availability of various transportation options.

2. Surabaya Gubeng Train Station

Surabaya Gubeng train station is one of the major train stations in Surabaya and serves as a hub for both local and long-distance train services. It offers a convenient starting point for travelers heading to Mount Bromo.

The train station is well-maintained, clean, and has facilities such as ticket counters, waiting areas, and food stalls. It is advisable to arrive at the train station well in advance to ensure a smooth journey.

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3. Train Options from Surabaya to Probolinggo

Probolinggo is the nearest town to Mount Bromo, and it is where most travelers choose to base themselves before visiting the volcano. To reach Probolinggo from Surabaya by train, there are several options available.

The most popular train is the executive or business class train, which offers comfortable seating, air conditioning, and onboard amenities. The journey takes approximately two to three hours, depending on the train and the schedule.

4. Scenic Views Along the Journey

One of the highlights of traveling by train from Surabaya to Probolinggo is the opportunity to enjoy the scenic views along the way. The train passes through picturesque landscapes, including lush green fields, rural villages, and scenic mountains. It offers a unique perspective of the Indonesian countryside, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the region.

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5. Probolinggo: The Base for Mount Bromo Exploration

Once you arrive at Probolinggo train station, you can easily find transportation options to continue your journey to Mount Bromo. There are public minibusses, known as “angkot,” that can take you to Cemoro Lawang, the closest village to Mount Bromo.

The ride takes approximately one to two hours, depending on traffic conditions. Alternatively, you can hire a private car or join a tour group for a more convenient and organized experience.

6. Accommodation Options in Probolinggo

Probolinggo offers a range of accommodation options to suit different budgets and preferences. There are budget guesthouses, mid-range hotels, and even luxury resorts available in the area. It is advisable to book your accommodation in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, to ensure availability. Staying in Probolinggo allows you to explore the local culture, sample traditional Javanese cuisine, and prepare for your Mount Bromo adventure.

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7. Mount Bromo: A Majestic Volcanic Experience

From Probolinggo, it is easy to access Mount Bromo and its surrounding attractions. Most visitors opt to join a guided tour or hire a 4×4 jeep to explore the volcano.

The journey to Mount Bromo involves crossing the Sea of Sand, a vast expanse of volcanic ash, and ascending to the crater rim to witness the sunrise. The panoramic views of the smoking volcano, the surrounding mountains, and the ethereal landscape make for an unforgettable experience.

8. Tips for a Smooth Journey

To ensure a smooth journey from Surabaya to Mount Bromo, consider the following tips:

a. Plan your trip in advance and make train reservations early to secure your preferred seats.
b. Pack warm clothing as the temperature can be chilly, especially in the early morning at Mount Bromo.
c. Bring a good camera to capture the stunning vistas along the way and at Mount Bromo.
d. Stay hydrated and bring snacks for the journey as there might not be many food options available on the train.
e. Respect the local culture and customs when visiting Mount Bromo and its surrounding areas.

9. Safety Considerations

While the journey from Surabaya to Mount Bromo is generally safe and enjoyable, it is essential to prioritize safety during your trip. Follow the instructions provided by your tour guide or driver, especially when trekking to the crater rim. Be cautious of the changing weather conditions and volcanic activity, as Mount Bromo is an active volcano. It is advisable to check the latest updates from local authorities before embarking on your journey.


Traveling from Surabaya to Mount Bromo by train offers a convenient and scenic route for exploring this majestic volcano. Surabaya serves as the gateway to Mount Bromo, and the Surabaya Gubeng train station is the starting point for the journey. From Surabaya, travelers can take executive or business class trains to Probolinggo, the nearest town to Mount Bromo. The train ride provides beautiful views of the Indonesian countryside, including lush fields and scenic mountains.

Once in Probolinggo, travelers can find transportation options to reach Cemoro Lawang, the closest village to Mount Bromo. Public minibusses, private cars, or guided tours are available for this leg of the journey. In Probolinggo, there are various accommodation options to choose from, catering to different budgets and preferences.

Visiting Mount Bromo itself is a remarkable experience. Many visitors choose to join guided tours or hire 4×4 jeeps to explore the volcano. The journey involves crossing the Sea of Sand and ascending to the crater rim to witness the breathtaking sunrise. The panoramic views of the smoking volcano, the surrounding mountains, and the unique landscape create memories that last a lifetime.

To ensure a smooth journey, it is advisable to plan in advance, make train reservations early, and pack appropriate clothing. It is also essential to stay hydrated, bring snacks, and respect the local culture and customs. Safety should always be a priority, and travelers should follow the instructions provided by guides or drivers, especially when trekking to the crater rim. Checking for updates on weather conditions and volcanic activity is crucial before embarking on the journey.

In conclusion, traveling from Surabaya to Mount Bromo by train offers a convenient and scenic route for exploring this natural wonder. The journey provides stunning views of the Indonesian countryside, and once in Probolinggo, travelers can easily access Mount Bromo and its surrounding attractions. By following safety precautions and planning ahead, visitors can have a memorable and enjoyable experience at Mount Bromo.

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